How Do You Learn Reiki?
“How do you learn Reiki?” is a question I get asked fairly frequently. Often followed by “and can you give it to yourself?”
Let’s start with the shorter answer. Yes, you can give Reiki to yourself. If you do choose to learn Reiki, it’s a wonderful way to relax and provide some lovely nurturing support to yourself.
How you learn Reiki has a longer explanation, so here goes. Oh, and just so you know there are many different types, or schools of Reiki. In this post I’ll be covering Usui Reiki and how I teach it (which is how I was taught).
Reiki is taught in different stages, or levels.
Sometimes called degrees. There is Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 3 (or Reiki Master) and for those who wish to teach, Reiki Master Teacher. Anyone who feels drawn to, can learn Reiki. You don’t have to be ‘special’ in some way, just open. In my experience timing plays a big role in learning Reiki. When the time is right, you will know.
Reiki 1 Training
In Reiki 1, which is usually a 1 day workshop, you’ll cover a combination of theory and practical. You’ll receive some notes to read before the training day. So you’ll already have some background knowledge and understanding of Reiki and what to expect. I suggest that before undertaking Reiki training you take as much stress off your system as possible. So cleaning up your diet, drinking plenty of water and having some quiet time/meditating can be a good idea. This allows your body to adjust with greater ease to the change in vibration you’ll experience once connected to Reiki.
On the day itself you’ll learn more about Reiki, it’s history and how it works. You’ll learn about the energy centers of the body (chakras), the aura and how to work with them.
You’ll receive ‘attunements’ which tune your body into the frequency of the Reiki energy.
Think of it as being a bit like a radio being tuned into the frequency of a particular radio station. The frequency of the station is always there, it’s just the radio doesn’t always pick up the signal. By tuning you into the frequency of Reiki you will always have access to this natural, healing energy.
As your teacher, helping you build your confidence is really important to me. Because of this you get to give yourself a treatment. You’ll also have an opportunity to both give a treatment to someone else, as well as receiving a treatment from somebody else. If that sounds scary, don’t worry everyone is learning and in the same boat. You’ll find the classes are relaxed, informal and very supportive.
As class sizes are kept small, there are plenty of opportunities throughout the day to ask questions and discuss your experiences. Most people find it’s a really special day, often life changing. Now, you can give Reiki to yourself. You can also give Reiki to your friends, family, pets and plants but only if you want to 🙂
Because it takes time for your system to adjust to your ‘attunements’ and the increased energy vibration, it is suggested you have a gap between each level of your Reiki training. You go through a 21 day clearing period after each attunement. In this time your energy centres adjust and it allows your body to release outdated patterns that are no longer serving you. It can be a time of real transformation. It also gives you time to digest what you have learnt and applied before moving onto the next level.
Reiki 2 Training
Two-three months later, or whenever (if ever) the time feels right, you might want to carry out your Reiki 2 training. This day and a half training builds on your existing connection with Reiki. Here, you’ll learn sacred symbols which help enhance how you use Reiki in your life. You will be introduced to your Reiki Guides as well as learning additional techniques including how to send Reiki at a distance. You receive ‘attunements’ which again raise your vibration. There is plenty of time to practice and build your confidence. Having completed your Reiki 2 training you can become a Reiki practitioner and offer Reiki treatments to the public. This is an option, not a requirement. Reiki is very much about our own personal journey and growth.
Reiki 3 (Reiki Master) training can be completed 6-12 months after your Reiki 2, if it feels right for you. It’s also important to know that there is no set time line. If you have years in between your training’s, or feel happy to stay at Reiki 1 that’s absolutely fine.
Reiki Master (Reiki 3) Training
At Reiki 3 you learn additional healing techniques, you’re introduced to another sacred symbol and receive further ‘attunements’. You are also introduced to your Reiki Master. As ever there is plenty or time for questions & answers as well as practice. Reiki 3 is a big step, so you really need to be committed to ‘living Reiki’ before making the decision to undertake it.
If you feel drawn to teaching Reiki a further training is required. You can undertake your Reiki Master Teacher training a minimum of a year after completing your Reiki Master training. In your Reiki Master Teacher training you will learn how to run Reiki training workshops and how to carry out the attunement process.
I’m sure you’ve realised by now that learning Reiki is experiential, not an academic pursuit. There is much you can ‘learn’ reading around the subject. However, in my humble opinion, it is far more about living with Reiki and how we grow as a person with Reiki in our lives. Reiki is not simply a hands on healing system. It is a way of life, or being. The Reiki principles, or ideals, give us guidance to help keep us on track.
The Reiki Ideals
• Just for today I will let go of anger
• Just for today I will let go of worry
• Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings
• Just for today I will do my work honestly
• Just for today I will be kind to my neighbours & every living thing
As a Reiki Master Teacher I provide ongoing support to my students after their training. For example I run Reiki Practice/Refresher workshops and Reiki Shares. I’m also available to answer questions or queries they may have in the future.
Should you decide you’d like to learn Reiki it is very important that you’re comfortable with your teacher.
Make sure they are fully qualified. Allow yourself to be drawn to the right person for you. I like to have a chat with students before the workshop, if I don’t already know them. This gives me a chance to find out a bit more about them and what they’re expecting. It also helps me become aware of any additional needs they may have, regarding the training. Having a chat gives them a chance to get more of a feel for who I am so they know if they’ll be comfortable with me.
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