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Thank you Angela!

I really enjoyed my treatment with you – it was really inspiring and it did me a lot of good. It was interesting that on the third day afterwards I really felt myself almost ‘click’ into place – definitely a shift. I’m sure it helped me cope with what ended up being a bit of a traumatic week much better than I would have done.

Really looking forward to my next one next Wednesday!
K.C. Ifield

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hi Angela,
I just wanted to thank you very much for our session the other day.  It was brilliant and feels like its opened up a lot for me.

So far I have been much more present and able to enjoy my time with my friends and have noticed a shift in me giving myself permission to enjoy and appreciate life more.

Also I am making healthier food choices because I am eating to make sure I take care of myself (but this time it is not obsessional black/white) and feels much healthier.  Long may it continue!

So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Oh and my knee is completely better too
S.R. Surrey

I had no idea what to expect

When I attended my first meeting with Angela I had no idea what to expect. I had formed my own preconceived ideas of what I needed and how this could be resolved, but how wrong was I.

Angela spent time to understand my needs and was able to direct our sessions to achieve the maximum benefit. This took me into areas I had never considered initially but were so relevant as part of the process.

Having concluded the course of meetings with Angela I feel stronger and balanced (both physically and mentally) and the initial need that caused me to seek her help has been resolved. Not only that but the underlying cause of the issue that I had supressed was brought to the surface, faced and also resolved.

I have no hesitation is recommending Angela to others and would only say don’t blinker yourself with preconceptions, go in open minded and you will reap the full benefit.
C.C. Horsham

I have seen great improvements in my health

I have found the centre a calming space and Angela has been sensitive and empathic. I have felt safe to explore all aspects of my physical and emotional well being. Above all I have seen great improvements in my health. Thank you.
E.T. Haywards Heath

I have complete faith in Angela

Angela has been inspirational for me. The changes have been subtle but very powerful. I have complete faith in Angela.
N.B. Horsham

I have no hesitation in highly recommending Angela

Angela has a wonderful calm non-judgemental bedside manner and made me feel completely at ease in my consultation and throughout my treatment. She is a true professional and her extensive knowledge and passion for her work shows through. I have no hesitation in highly recommending Angela and have done so to all my friends and family.
J.O’S. Middx

Enormously helpful

Enormously helpful. I feel my issues have lessened and that I am able to view them in a different light, feeling more empowered.  On a purely physical level, I feel much better.
S.F. Barns Green

You care about your clients

I would like to thank you not only for the treatments I have received from you but for your being compassionate, never judgmental and also giving help outside your session and even if it just to provide the address of an oil producer – all takes time and it shows that you care about your clients outside the therapy sessions.
C.S. Pulborough

I’m so glad I found you!

What I find so helpful is the way you help me find my goal. I find I can get lost in an issue to the extent that I can’t find clarity around what I want. Working with you always brings that to the surface. I find the balances fascinating and always feel much more centred afterwards. This time in particular I got very tired afterwards, normally I leave buzzing with energy. Of course I prefer the latter but know that big energetic shifts can have this effect. Thanks again, I’m so glad I found you!
A.S Horsham

Feel so much more positive

Feel so much more positive about goal and very alive in general. Thank you
P.H. Horsham

Would definitely recommend trying this

Not really sure what to expect. Felt relaxed and at ease throughout all of the session – everything was explained as we went along. Am looking forward to realising the affirmation goal that I used throughout the session. Would definitely recommend trying this, if you are struggling to achieve things in your life, that keep eluding you.
S. T. Horsham

Extremely informative

Extremely informative. Had complete faith in Angela.
J.G. Southwater

The session was incredible

The session was incredible. It helped me realise that I needed to spend time looking after my own needs. The various activities that followed were even more incredible in finding a simple exercise to re-balance my body towards achieving goal. Many thanks.
I.M. Broadbridge Heath

The session was amazing

Angela is very thorough, calm and reassuring. The session was amazing, absolutely spot on.
L.B. Horsham

I felt confident that I could speak to you and express any thoughts

Very good explanations and feedback. I felt that you really wanted to help me reach my goals. I felt confident that I could speak to you and express any thoughts, no matter how silly I thought they were! I found the session enjoyable, a little bizarre in the different exercises I was asked to do, but they had the desired result. Very pleased with the outcome.
C.R. Dial Post

Thank you!

I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you!

Was very enjoyable and informative

Was very enjoyable and informative. The handbook was very thorough and colourful and will make a really helpful point of reference in future.

Looking forward to the future!

Great informative day, looking forward to the future!

Really enjoyed the day

Really enjoyed the day. Lovely relaxed atmosphere and group and felt comfortable throughout.

You didn’t disappoint!

I was very excited about today and you didn’t disappoint! 🙂 I can’t wait to practice and build my confidence.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed today

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed today. I feel it’s been very enlightening and very interesting.

Very enjoyable

Very enjoyable – a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning. Good to meet others who share the same interests.
N.P. Horsham

Great for confidence

Lovely way to refresh after the Reiki 1 clearing period. Great for confidence.

Highly recommend!

Would highly recommend! Relaxing and informative, time well spent!


Very informative, interesting and enjoyable. 10/10 – Angela is a true professional and expert in her field. I would highly recommend her on all levels.

Gentle and informative

Gentle and informative. Very good experience.

Enlightening, enjoyable and relaxing

A great way to meet like minded people in a safe and peaceful environment. To expand your knowledge and increase your confidence and somewhere to share ideas/experiences.

Very good, enlightening, enjoyable and relaxing.


Angela is a wealth of knowledge which she gives to make you feel confident.

Excellent. Small group so lots of time for questions.

A really lovely weekend of training

Ideal for taking Reiki to the next level and trained in a relaxed environment. A small friendly group.

Excellent. A really lovely weekend of training. Looking forward to now putting it into practice.

5 Stars

An intense and thorough introduction to Reiki including background, theory and practical sessions in a safe environment with a very small group. 5 stars.

Calm, relaxing, unrushed

Calm, relaxing, unrushed. 4 Stars


Interesting, relaxing, informative and excellent. Was a very enjoyable, knowledgeable and relaxing course. 5 stars.

5 Stars

Brilliant and well worth it. Very glad I attended. 5 Stars

Your energy and warmth make you a great teacher.

Very Inspiring!

Very inspiring! Also very well paced and structured. Good balance of teaching, chat and breaks to absorb.

I actually think it was perfect. 5 stars

Really Great!

It has already made me feel more confident and I’ve noticed a ‘shift’ from my Reiki 1.

Inspiring, eye opening, informative and really enjoyable.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and would highly recommend to anyone thinking of doing reiki. Really Great!

Exceeded My Expectations

Would recommend it (Reiki 2 training) as a very informative workshop. Pitched at just the right level. Excellent.

The workshop and experience exceeded my expectations.


A really insightful and inspiring workshop which opens up new ways and experiences, developing your confidence and understanding. But also your trust in the Reiki energy. 10/10

It was perfect

As an introductory course it was perfect. I found the content really interesting and useful. 5 stars
C.M. Horsham

5 Stars

Well presented and delivered. Made me stop and think & realise what I can do to better my life. A perfect program for the time allowed. 5 Stars.
C.C. Horsham


The best thing about the workshop was finding out how easy it is to fit mindfulness in my day to day life. Insightful and at a very good pace. 5 stars
P.R. Pease Pottage

Very helpful & interesting

I was very sceptical at first but after the workshop it all made sense. Very helpful and interesting. 5 stars
S.R. Pease Pottage

5 Stars- Thank you

It really helped to enhance my understanding of mindfulness. Very worthwhile and helpful if you need a way to cope with stress/anxiety. Nice relaxed atmosphere and friendly like-minded people. 5 Stars – Thank you!
C.E. Horsham

A lovely day

A thorough introduction to Reiki with a good balance of theory and practice. A really delightful setting which supported the course. Thanks for your excellent teaching Angela, relaxed and very clear. a lovely day, I’m sure there will be many benefits. 5 stars
L.B. Southwater

Really inspirational

Very relaxing, informative introduction to Reiki. Very friendly and welcoming. Really inspirational. Angela you are a good instructor and put me at ease.
K.B. Crawley

Enlightening, encouraging, informative

Enlightening, encouraging, informative, relaxing, friendly.
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. Angela you make me feel at ease and were/are very encouraging. 5 stars
K.B. Crawley


Feel enlightened and really enjoyed the course. Excellent – 5 stars
E.G.B. Dorking

5 Stars

A gentle and reassuring reminder of Reiki principles and practice. A chance to have queries answered and to discourse. Confidence building – 5 Stars
L.B. Southwater

I wouldn’t see any other therapist

I’ve been visiting Angela for about ten years. After treatments with her I unfailingly feel lighter, calmer, and happier. She listens so carefully that each appointment is completely personalised to me and my needs at that moment in time. I wouldn’t see any other therapist – she is warm and professional, caring and versatile. Thank you Angela!

NCSM, Brighton


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