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Late Summer and the Earth Element

As we approach the Autumnal Equinox we are in what is known as Late Summer in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In the West we typically acknowledge four seasons. In TCM they have five with Late Summer coming between summer and autumn. Think of it like an ‘Indian Summer’.
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Summer & the Fire Element

Having just had the Summer Solstice we are now officially in Summer. And we have indeed been fortunate to have beautiful blue skies and warm (currently 'hot') sunny days. Long may it last... The Fire Element In Traditional Chinese Medicine…

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Beating the Blue Monday Vibe

Is it just Blue Monday or a larger part of the new year that can leave you feeling blue? January/February are months many people struggle with. Or rather they struggle to feel good during this time. Back in 2005 a…

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Winter and the Water Element

Winter and the Water Element In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the winter season correlates to the Water element. The water element is associated with the bladder and kidney meridians. It is represented by the colour black or dark blue and…

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Seasonal support for our livers

As mentioned in my last post spring time is on the Wood element. The Liver and Gallbladder meridians relate to the Wood element so here is some seasonal support for our livers. Our livers work incredibly hard performing over 500…

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Spring and the Wood Element

Spring time is on it's way. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) spring time correlates to the Wood element. Unsurprisingly the colour of the Wood element is green. The Liver and Gallbladder meridians are on this element. The Wood element is…

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Autumn and the Metal Element

Autumn and the Metal Element Autumn is a time of harvest. When we think of the cycle of the seasons we reap the fruits after the high energy of summer and before the resting period of winter. It marks the…

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Keeping Calm Over Christmas

Keeping Calm Over Christmas As we move further into December Christmas preparations are already well under way for most people. As the festive season seems to start earlier and go on for longer each year it’s hardly surprising that it…

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