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Ways to Stop Worrying

Worrying about the state of the world. Worrying about the future. Maybe you worry about your health, or the health of someone you care about. Worrying about your job/work, your finances and money. Your relationship. Worrying about your kids, parents, friends, partners or what other people might think about you …

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Dealing with the Unexpected

Dealing with the Unexpected Whilst change is unavoidable, some changes in life you plan for or can anticipate. When life throws you a curve ball and you find yourself dealing with the unexpected, whether this is on an individual basis…

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Quick Stress-Busting Technique

Feeling stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed... It's all too common these days to find ourselves getting lost in our thoughts and emotions. And when they start to escalate we can get completely swept away by them. It's easy to feel helpless…

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Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination by taking Imperfect Action I don't know about you but often around this time of year I'll start to reflect on how the year has been. What have I done? Achieved? How well have I done with making the…

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Top Tips to Improve Self Talk

3 Top Tips to help create more Positive, Supportive Self Talk We all talk to ourselves. Most of us talk to ourselves all day, every day. Our self talk plays a crucial role in how we experience life and how we're…

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Reduce Stress with the 4 A’s

Finding ways to reduce stress is always good. Life can be stressful. Not all the time, but it can have its moments. We don’t always have control over what happens in life, be it at home or work. We do however…

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What is Mindfulness & How to do it

Mindfulness. What's it all about and why should I care? It may appear to be very trendy at the moment but it's actually been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Its received increasing interest over the past few…

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5 Day De-Stresser

Reduce Stress Levels with my 5 Day De-Stresser Stress comes in so many forms and we all respond in our own way to it. It's pretty much taken as a given that life is just stressful these days. Some forms…

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So, what do you want?

So, what do you want? It happens so often. I ask a client 'how would you like things to be' and they tell me 'all the things they're fed up of' often with 'I don't want' as a prefix. I'll…

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